Call per Elenco Professionisti SETIN – Area Ambiente

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Elenco collaboratori

SETIN Servizi Tecnici Infrastrutture srl è una società di ingegneria, attiva nel settore della progettazione di opere civili, della consulenza ambientale, dei Sistemi Informativi Territoriali e della pianificazione dell’ambiente e del territorio.

SETIN fa parte del Consorzio ENGEKO

Scopo della call

La presente call ha come fine la formazione di un elenco di liberi professionisti, disponibili a collaborare con SETIN.

Sono considerate diverse figure:

  • Profilo A – Progettista Ambientale
  • Profilo B – Valutatore Ambientale e Paesaggistico
  • Profilo C – Esperto aree Protette e Natura 2000
  • Profilo D – Analista GIS
  • Profilo E – Financial Manager e Rendicontazione Progetti EU

Le eventuali collaborazioni saranno basate su contratti su uno o più progetti specifici.

La presente non ha come obiettivo l’assunzione di personale o la selezione per collaborazioni continuative.

I colloqui si svolgeranno a distanza su piattaforma informatica.

Competenze e conoscenze richieste

Profilo A – Progettista Ambientale

  • Laurea triennale o specialistica in discipline tecniche attinenti (architettura, architettura del paesaggio, ingegneria e similari)
  • Esperienza professionale post-lauream di almeno 3 anni nella progettazione di opere di mitigazione e compensazione ambientale di grandi opere civili, parchi urbani e verde pubblico, opere a verde in genere
  • Conoscenza completa dei software applicativi di disegno tecnico (AUTOCAD, etc.), rendering, modellizzazione e fotosimulazioni/grafica;
  • Conoscenza professionale della lingua inglese (almeno livello B1 nel quadro comune europeo) è requisito preferenziale

Profilo B – Valutatore Ambientale e Paesaggistico

  • Laurea triennale o specialistica in discipline tecniche attinenti (scienze naturali, scienze biologiche, scienze agrarie e forestali,  scienze ambientali,, architettura del paesaggio, ingegneria e similari)
  • Esperienza professionale post-lauream di almeno 3 anni nella redazione di Studi di Impatto Ambientale, Studi per la Valutazione di Incidenza, Relazioni paesaggistiche, Rapporti preliminari e Ambientali nell’ambito della VAS
  • Conoscenza completa dei software applicativi di disegno tecnico (AUTOCAD, etc.), rendering, modellizzazione e fotosimulazioni/grafica;
  • Preferibile conoscenza degli applicativi GIS
  • Conoscenza professionale della lingua inglese (almeno livello B1 nel quadro comune europeo) è requisito preferenziale

Profilo C – Esperto Aree Protette e Natura 2000

  • Laurea triennale o specialistica in discipline tecniche attinenti (scienze naturali, scienze biologiche, scienze agrarie e forestali,  scienze ambientali, architettura del paesaggio, ingegneria e similari)
  • Esperienza professionale post-lauream di almeno 3 anni nella Pianificazione di Aree protette e siti Natura 2000, anche di singoli aspetti.
  • Preferibile conoscenza degli applicativi GIS
  • Conoscenza professionale della lingua inglese (almeno livello B1 nel quadro comune europeo) è requisito preferenziale
  • Conoscenza di un’altra lingua straniera (in particolare il portoghese) è ulteriore requisito preferenziale

Profilo D – Analista GIS

  • Laurea triennale o specialistica in discipline tecniche attinenti (scienze naturali, scienze biologiche, scienze agrarie e forestali, scienze ambientali, architettura, architettura del paesaggio, ingegneria e similari)
  • Esperienza di almeno 3 anni in analisi GIS e produzione di cartografie tematiche
  • Conoscenza completa di ArcGIS, spatial analyst ed eventuali altri tools di analisi spaziale
  • Conoscenza professionale della lingua inglese (almeno livello B1 nel quadro comune europeo) è requisito preferenziale
  • Conoscenza di un’altra lingua straniera (in particolare il portoghese) è ulteriore requisito preferenziale

Profilo E – Financial Manager e Rendicontazione Progetti EU

  • Laurea triennale o specialistica in discipline tecniche attinenti
  • Esperienza professionale post-lauream di almeno 3 anni in rendicontazione di progetti, preferibilmente di fondi UE
  • Conoscenza professionale della lingua inglese (almeno livello B1 nel quadro comune europeo)
  • Conoscenza di una lingua straniera ulteriore è requisito preferenziale


I candidati possono inviare, entro il 20 marzo 2021,  il proprio CV in formato europeo ed un book (facoltativo) con massimo 3 progetti già realizzati all’indirizzo e-mail con oggetto:

  • Profilo A – Progettista Ambientale – [Nome Cognome]
  • Profilo B – Valutatore Ambientale e Paesaggistico – [Nome Cognome]
  • Profilo C – Esperto aree Protette e Natura 2000 – [Nome Cognome]
  • Profilo D – Analista GIS – [Nome Cognome]
  • Profilo E – Financial Manager e Rendicontazione Progetti EU – [Nome Cognome]

Il CV deve contenere la seguente dicitura: “Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base all’art. 13 del D.Lgs. 196/2003 e successive modifiche e integrazioni e all’art. 13 GDPR 679/16”.

Ciascun candidato, in possesso dei requisiti, può candidarsi su più profili.

SETIN will assist Lago di Bracciano and Martignano Park in the development of the “lake contract” (joint water management tools)

The river’s contract is a new tool based on the voluntary agreement between local authorities and privates as a form of negotiated and shared planning procedure, based on citizens consultation and active participation. It aims at adopting regulations, agreements and operational tools to improve the water management at regional and local scales, considering, inter alia, environmental sustainability, social values and public benefits.

In the last call for lake contracts, Lazio Region decided to include also the opportunity to realize specific contracts for lakes. In that case, lakes are the main element and the scheme is called “lake contract”.

Bracciano Lake will be the focal geographical element of a specific contract, coordinated by the Bracciano and Martignano Park.

SETIN is in charge to technically assist the development of this lake contract.

SETIN will prepare the Management Plan of Primeval Beech Forests Natural World Heritage Site

SETIN is involved in the preparation of the “Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe” UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site.

The Site is composed by 67 sub-sites (i.e. component parts or clusters) across Europe and, in Italy, this Natural World Heritage Site is composed by 10 sub-sites, located in 5 parks. They comprises “outstanding examples of evolutionary and developmental processes of beech forests since the glacial period, giving rise to a terrestrial ecosystem that has shaped an entire continent in a global unique manner”.

Specifically, we will prepare the Management Plan for the Italian sub-sites, also incorporating the contributions from the partnership members, i.e. management bodies of the parks (National Parks of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, Gargano, Pollino, Foreste Casentinesi and Regional Park of Bracciano) and University of Tuscia.

Introduction of the environmental accounting system and Gross Ecosystem Product in Guinea-Bissau

United Nations Development Programme and the Ministry for Environment and Biodiversity are implementing the “Strengthening natural resource valuation capacities for improved planning and decision-making to conserve the global environment” GEF Project in Guinea-Bissau.

The goal of this project is to make better decisions to meet and sustain global environmental obligations through improved natural resource valuation and accounting in the Country.  To that end, the objective of this project is to develop technical and institutional capacities for undertaking an economic valuation of global environmental goods and services as potentially impacted by proposed development policies, programmes, plans and projects.

Under the output 1.1, Giacomo Cozzolino, Daniel Bazzucchi and other international and national consultants, are working on undertaking an analysis of the environmental accounting baseline and developing recommendations to integrate environmental accounting and natural resource valuation tools into key policies and regulations.

Specifically, Daniel has recently concluded a report on environmental accounting indicators and Giacomo two reports on the ecosystem services values in Guinea-Bissau and in the Cacheu Natural Park and a Feasibility Study for the introduction of the environmental accounting system in the Country. In this Study, the adoption of the Gross Ecosystem Product has been proposed, to complement the current use of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Bem Diverso Project – field visit to Alto Rio Pardo, Minhas Gerais, Brazil

A field trip was held in the Alto Rio Pardo, in Brasil, to visit experiences in this agro-forestry area.
The trip is part of the initiative on Mainstreaming Sustainable Use of Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation, under the “Sector Dialogues”, and it is promoted by the European Union, Ministry of Economy, EMBRAPA and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil and the Bem Diverso UNDP/GEF Project.
Sector Dialogues are a cooperation instrument aimed at reinforcing the strategic partnership between the EU and Brazil, based on the principles of reciprocity, complementarity and mutual interest. Dialogues address to enhance exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices at technical and political level, around key areas of interest for both sides.
Giacomo is the Consultant in charge to prepare the Sectorial Dialogues Programme document.

Cost–benefit analysis on the introduction of the Strategic Environmental Assessment in Cabo Verde

Last year a new Decree-Law for the introduction of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Cape Verde was prepared, under the BIO-TUR project. The option of introducing the SEA needed to be deeply analyzed, in order to assess costs and benefits.
The cost-benefit analysis, based on ecosystem services approach, has been finalized during the last month and the Final Report presented to UNDP Cape Verde Country Office and National Directorate of Environment.
SEA should be introduced in the Country, to avoid negative impacts, mostly due to tourism infrastructures development in Sal, Boavista and Maio. The costs of the “zero” scenario (i.e. no introduction of SEA in the Cape Verdean legislation) would overpass 30 times the costs of its introduction and SEA should support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, for the sustainable and inclusive growth of the Country.
The cost-benefits analysis has been prepared by Paulino Dias and Giacomo Cozzolino.

Project and Financial management services for European Projects

In the last 10 years SETIN has gained extensive experience in the field of Project Management of complex projects and in Financial Management for the financial reporting, mainly European funded projects.
Based on this experience, SETIN has developed a highly professional team that allows us to provide quality services in the following areas:
• Project Management of European projects
• Financial Management and Reporting of funded projects
• Project Monitoring

For more info you can write an e-mail to:


Ecolinfa experts actively participated in the preparation of the full proposal of CORALIFE Project. The main objective of CORALIFE is to maintain and restore the marine biodiversity of reef habitats in Civitavecchia and Argentario M. coastal areas (Italy), included in the “Habitats Directive” under the code 1170 “Reef”.
The project actions will restore the habitat through the recovery, maintenance and restocking of coralligenous species that are accidentally caught as bycatch during fishing activities. The project will defend unregulated diving activities, anchoring on reef sites and mortalities caused by fishing activities.
Main objectives are:
• development of facilities for the deployment of an Observing Maintaining and Farming System (OMF) that will ultimately enable the reintroduction of bycatch organisms back to their natural environment on natural substrates of selected sites
• standardization of protocols, methods and techniques related to coral recovery, in situ transplantation and conservation
• active involvement of local fishermen for sample collection and the development of a Code of Conduct.
• moorings for the protection of reef habitats hotspots and the establishment of interdicted areas to fishing and anchorage
• involvement of diving associations in the protection activities

The Value Of Pollinators To The Ecosystem And Our Economy

“Every season, pollination from honey bees, native bees, and flies deliver billions of dollars (U.S.) in economic value” Forbes writes.

According to the USDA, one colony of honey bees is worth 100 times more to the community than to the beekeeper — meaning the value they deliver extends well beyond their actual price.

Ecosystem Services provided by pollinators are very important at global level and we have considered them in our ecosystem services economic valuations.

SETIN has participated to the last Horizon 2020 call on low carbon future

SETIN is part of a consortium made of academia and economic operators, which has submitted a proposal under the last Horizon 2020 call on “BUILDING A LOW-CARBON, CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE: SECURE, CLEAN AND EFFICIENT ENERGY”.

The Project Proposal addresses the work programme topic “Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation”.

It is based on energy optimization of existing residential buildings taking into consideration climate change.

Alessandro has prepared the Project Proposal in cooperation with other partners.