Venerdì 5 aprile kick-off del Corso Executive in progettazione e gestione dei fondi europei

L’Università di Tor Vergata organizza il Corso Executive in progettazione e gestione dei fondi europei. l corso si basa su un approccio innovativo e multidisciplinareintegra in un nuovo quadro formativo le conoscenze di progettazione europea e di project management, così come definite dalle migliori prassi internazionali (ISO-UNI 21500), attraverso un innovativo modello denominato eU-maps®.

Il 5 aprile, alle ore 15.00, presso lo Scout center (Largo dello scoutismo n.1), si terrà il kick-off meeting con la presentazione del Corso, dei partner e delle Summer Schools.

SETIN srl è partner del Corso ed organizzatore della Summer School su Ambiente e Cambiamenti Climatici, che sarà presentata durante il kick-off da Giacomo Cozzolino

European Union Emission Trading System carbon price has surpassed 20 euro a ton

The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a cornerstone of the EU’s policy to combat climate change and its key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively. It is the world’s first major carbon market and remains the biggest one.

Carbon emission permits have more than quadrupled from less than 5 euros since the middle of 2017 after European Union governments agreed to cut away a surplus that had depressed prices since the financial crisis that started in 2008. Utilities and industrial polluters need the certificates to cover greenhouse gas emissions they produce.

The last august the price has surpassed the 20 euro a ton.

The coal-fire power industry could finally phase-out, as Businessgreen says.

Moreover, carbon offset projects could benefit from this significant change and receive from carbon producers additional financial benefits, to be reinvested in forests and biodiversity conservation.

This mechanisms could facilitate the climate change policies.


Life SEPOSSO at Giglio Island (Tuscany), Costa Concordia shipwreck monitoring

LIFE SEPOSSO lands to Giglio Island (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea).

Within the activities foreseen in the Monitoring and control plan ISPRA / ARPAT  related to the evaluation of the effects resulting from the sinking of the Costa Concordia ship, on 4-6 July 2018 underwater explorations were carried out by LIFE SEPOSSO divers scientific operators.

The scuba diving survey involved the areas of dead matte in which experimental cuttings have been made using different techniques, in order to determine the best technique for the programming of transplantation actions in the selected areas.

With this survey site, LifeSEPOSSO complements the series of transplantation sites under monitoring, and adds an important source of data that will help define methods and best practices to be followed to increase the efficiency of future transplants.

SETIN is one of the LIFE SEPOSSO’s partners and Ecolinfa members are working on this project.

For more information, please visit 

Round table on the experimental transplantation of Posidonia oceanica at Priolo Gargallo

As part of the events planned in the Augusta Bay between 9th and 13th July, for the meetings between stakeholders involved in the management of Posidonia oceanica transplants in the four study sites LIFE SEPOSSO organized a round table held in Augusta (SR).

The round table aimed at discussing the main aspects concerning the management of Posidonia oceanica transplants, with a specific focus on those transplants carried out as a measure of environmental recovery in areas such as the Augusta Bay in 2014, covering an area of 2.500 square meters.

In order to verify how transplanting is carried out to date, Life SEPOSSO has organized a series of monitoring scuba dives to collect new data and observations. These observations, together with the techniques used to carry out the transplantation, have been discussed during the round table session.

SETIN is one of the LIFE SEPOSSO’s partners and Ecolinfa members are working on this project.

For more information, please visit

Sustainable Management of Forestry Resources in the Tarrafes de Cacheu National Park (Guinee-Bissau)

The Sustainable Management of Forestry Resources in the Tarrafes de Cacheu National Park Project, co-financed by the European Union, has been implemented during the period 2012-2017.

The project, known also as Projeto Gestão Sustentável dos Recursos Florestais do Parque Natural dos Tarrafes do rio Cacheu – GSRF-PNTC (locally: “No Matu i no Firkidja”) aims to manage and conserve forests in this park, located in the northern part of the Country.

The main project objectives have been: updating and strengthening of the institutional and legal frameworks, improving the park’s management, valorization and protection of natural resources, supporting to local development, awareness and capacity building.

Two international consultants, Carlos Albuquerque and Giacomo Cozzolino for the EU delegation to Guinee-Bissau, have visited the park in the last December and thereafter provided the final evaluation of the project.

Safeguarding biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species in the Federated States of Micronesia

A team of consultants has recently visited the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) for the consultative meetings needed to prepare the “Safeguarding biodiversity from Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the FSM” GEF Project.

The project aims to safeguard biodiversity in terrestrial and marine ecosystems and in agricultural and fisheries production systems from the impacts of invasive alien species in the Federated States of Micronesia.

The main project outcomes include: strengthening of the national biosecurity governance framework, institutionalized and aligned with relevant Pacific initiatives, Awareness of IAS impacts and importance of biosecurity, strengthening of the capacity to safeguard biodiversity from IAS impacts, enhancement of IAS inspection and enforcement, capacity building on IAS management, creation and management of a IAS information system. The total project cost is about 23 million USD.

Giacomo is one of the team members.

Validation Workshop of the Payments for Ecosystem Services Strategy in Ethiopia

The PES (Payments for Ecosystem Services) Strategy has been discussed during the workshop held in Addis Ababa on last Monday and organized by UNDP and the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MEFFC).

During the Validation Workshop, moderated by the Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, H.E. Dr. Gemedo Dalle, challenges and opportunities on PES have been debated.

The workshop has been introduced by the key-note speeches from the same Minister, the State Minister of Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, H.E. Dr. Abreha and the UNDP Country Director, Ms. Louise Chamberlin. Among other speakers, Wubua Mekonnen, GEF programme specialist at UNDP Ethiopia, Abdeta Debella, Project Manager of the MIBC GEF Project, James Wakiaga, UNDP Economist and Ayele Hegena, Director of the Policy, Laws and Standard Study and Preparation Department at MEFCC.

During the day, Giacomo Cozzolino, international consultant and main author of the PES Strategy, has presented the main documents: the baseline survey, the feasibility study and the strategy and road map.

The Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, in his conclusions, has encouraged all the stakeholders to start implementing the strategy and follow-up its recommendations.

The meeting has been attended by tens of representatives from national public institutions, international institutions and NGOs.

The main evidences have been reported by the national televisions, radios and papers.

Ethiopia may introduce payments for ecosystem services

Ethiopia may introduce payments for ecosystem services, as reported by Capital Ethiopia website.

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of Ethiopia has started, during the Autumn of 2017, a study to charge fees from different companies and individuals who directly and indirectly generate income by using the natural resources of the Country.

Before, the GEF has financed the “Mainstreaming Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE)” project, also known as MIBC.

MIBC’s Outcome 2 will pilot a programme on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in four sites recognised globally for their high biodiversity value, but also at very high risk of degradation. The project will put in place, inter alia, a system for compensating land users for engaging in biodiversity friendly practices.

The Second Report on the state of Natural Capital in Italy

The Italian Minister for the Environment, Gian Luca Galletti, has sent the second edition of the Report on the State of Natural Capital in Italy – 2018 to the President of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Economy.

In Italy, the value of ecosystem services associated with natural capital is significant.

For example, the economic value associated with the quality of habitats is € 13.5 billion, while the value of recreational ecosystem services (non-tourism) is around € 3 billion.

In this edition of the Report, new recommendations are proposed to ensure a significant contribution to the realization of the global goals set by the 2030 Agenda for sustainable growth, which Italy must continue to pursue for present and future generations.

Global Register of Introduce and Invasive Species (GRIIS)

The first global register of alien species shows that a fifth of 6,400 plants and animals catalogued are causing harm. Some of the biggest factors in their spread are ballast water in ships for marine species and trade in ornamental plants on land, scientists say. They released data for 20 countries this week, with the aim of completing the register by the end of the year. Invasive species are living things that are not native to an ecosystem. They can harm the environment, the economy, or human health. For instance, rats can cause bird extinctions on islands, while the crown-of-thorns star fish is smothering parts of the Great Barrier Reef.

The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS) provides the first country-wide checklists of introduced and invasive species.

“The GRIIS is not about any single one of these, but about all of them and about the many thousands of species that have become naturalised outside of their historical ranges across the world as a result of human activity,” said Melodie McGeoch of the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group in Rome, Italy.

“Until now there has been highly uneven distribution of knowledge on invasive species globally.” The register will generate information that is publically available on all kinds of invasive species across the world. (from

Ecolinfa experts have collaborated on the development of the IT platform on which GRIIS is based